
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019

Creating views to show specific spatial data [POSGIS POSTGRES QGIS VIEWS]

Hello everyone, Sometimes as database managers we need to show only specific data for security or for whetever reason . In this case we are talking about showing geometry that are stored in two (relational) tables the problem remains in not showing the area , descripcion and id_user fields of state table . Fig 1. Tables Solution:  1) Create view,  2) Create role, 3)Setup in QGIS First thing is to create a view, note that is important to add the objectid column otherwise QGIS is going to get an error. CREATE VIEW view_state AS         SELECT   sg.id_state_geom AS objectid,         COALESCE(s.name, 'NO NAME'::character varying) AS name,    FROM (state_geom sg        LEFT JOIN state s ON ((sg.id_state = s.id_state)))        ORDER BY sg.id_state Second step is create a role wich be attached to the view and only to the view. CREATE ROLE xxx WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 's3cr3t'  NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION VALID UNT